Following our article on the burden of chronic diseases in Europe today we are turning in pursuit of chronic disease worldwide: how prevalent is it, how is it reimbursed in different areas of the globe, and above all, how can it be avoided?
- Prevalence of chronic diseases on planet Earth
Chronic disease is a scourge of our time, responsible for 63% of deaths worldwide and more than 86% in Europe[1]. Setting sail for France, we see that these diseases affect nearly 20% of the population[2]. The most common include cancer (which alone accounts for 30% of mortality2), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Unbalanced diet, smoking, stress and sedentary lifestyle are all risk factors that increase the likelihood of these diseases.
- How can we combat chronic disease?
Chronic diseases are a real handicap at an individual level. They also weigh heavily on state finances, as they result in significant direct and indirect spending. The direct costs are related to treatment (drugs, hospitalisation, etc.), and indirect costs include productivity loss related to these diseases (sick leave, early retirement, etc.). In 2013, spending in Europe on long-term conditions reached 700 billion euros – more than 70% of total health expenditure[3].
Prevention therefore seems crucial to keeping the economy afloat. Together, let’s dive into the depth of this concept, which is broken down into three levels:
- Primary prevention aims at acting prior to the disease, particularly on risk factors.
- Secondary prevention involves early detection of diseases which could not be avoided through primary prevention. For this, screening is the primary approach.
- Tertiary prevention designates the set of measures implemented to avoid relapses or complications.
- Dietary supplements: a key tool
Not all countries have the same plan of attack for hunting chronic disease. With healthcare systems generally reimbursing a large part of costs, Europe is struggling to introduce the idea of prevention – and particularly that of primary prevention. Overall spending on health prevention currently only accounts for 3% of health spending2.
Setting sail for the United States, we can explore an entirely different system, where the State only reimburses medical spending for a small segment of the population. The majority of Americans have private insurance, but medical care remains expensive. In this case, prevention is essential: the significant consumption of dietary supplements is a strong indicator of this. Dietary supplements have currently won over 65% of Americans, compared to just 27% of Europeans (though with significant variation between countries)[4].
Dietary supplements are choice solutions to prevent or delay the appearance of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. They also help cover certain nutrition gaps. Such is the case for vitamin D, in which nearly a billion people worldwide present a deficiency[5].
- The virtues of Purextract ingredients
Thanks to its ingredients, which are extracted from the best that nature has to offer, Purextract® is the best travelling companion for taking care of your health in the long term. Our active ingredients find their essence in pine and grapes, and have remarkable properties.
Phytopin® Pur’expert, a high-purity phytosterol, reduces cholesterol absorption due to its similar structure. It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory with scientifically-proven benefits. For this reason, it is highly recommended in cases of chronic eczema.
Oligopin®, an OPC extracted from Landes pine trees, is known for its antioxidant properties, and particularly for its protective action against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is involved in the appearance of atherosclerosis.
Prevention is a key step to being able to make the most of the adventure of life. Purextract® supports you throughout this expedition and promises you delightful discoveries.
[1] WHO. 2011
[2] InVS. 2010
[3] EFPIA. Health and Growth. November 2013
[4] European Commission. 2010
[5] Holick MF: Vitamin D deficiency. 2007